What You Can Do To Help

Last updated : 22 May 2005 By Stuart Gillespie
If we don't get approval on Tuesday it is effectively the beginning of the end for the club, with chairman Stewart Gilmour saying we'd have at most three years to survive. Therefore it's vital that anything and everything is tried before Tuesday.

An online petition, set up by Thomas McIlroy, is still going strong and can be signed at http://www.petitiononline.com/sts1877/petition.html Please sign it and get your friends to sign it and get them to get their mates to sign it and so on. If you use a football forum, post a message on it trying to get people ti sign. Online petitions don't often work, but as Renfrewshire Council received a petition signed by 784 people as to why a supermarket shouldn't be built on Love Street we need to try this. At the time of writing (3.40pm Sunday) we are within one hundred signatures of having double the amount the objectors petition got (though it will need to be edited down a bit with all the fake signatures). Please sign it!

You could also contact all the various councillors on the planning board. There are 14 of them in all and I e-mailed every single one of them yesterday. Stress how important Saints are to Paisley and what use a new supermarket would be. Be polite, these are the people who will decide on Tuesday what is happening. The councillor's e-mail addresses are:

John Green (convener) - diane.jennings@renfrewshire.gov.uk
John Hood (deputy convener) - cllr.john.hood@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Terry Kelly - cllr.terry.kelly@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Anne Hall - eleanor.grant@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Ronnie Burns - mairi.brown@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Richard Vassie - richard.vassie@ntlworld.com
Marie McGurk - eva.jacob@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Jim Harkins - cllr.jim.harkins@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Iain McMillan - diane.jennings@renfrewshire.gov.uk
William McGuinness/Alastair Nimmo/Ian Taylor - heather.grant@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Iain Nicolson - iain@nicolson1.plus.com

Some people have the same address as others and it will be a secretary, but e-mail them anyway!

The other thing you can do is simple: attend Tuesday's meeting (saldy I can't). The details, from the council's website, are as follows:

Meeting: Planning & Development Policy Board
Date & Time: 24/05/2005 12:00:00
Location: Paisley Civic Suite - H.Q. North

A large turnout of Saints fans could have the effect we need. Be there!